Step 1. Insert a TMC 8089 size 6 hook (or equivalent) in your vise. Using a gelspun thread such as GSP 100 tie on and work your way to the bend as shown here.
Step 2. Grab a size Medium Attractor Tail from the package. Tails are available at on the Fly Gear page.
Step 3. Tie the tail on top of the hook so it lays horizontal as shown.
Step 4. Using the largest mallard flank you can find, tie in by the tip with the feather cupped toward the attractor tail. Strip back the fluff so you have a clean tie in place on the stem for the next step.
Step 5. Dub some white pearl Ice Dub onto your thread and wind forward, leaving yourself around 3/8" behind the hook eye for the deer hair head. If the dubbing is too tight, you can tease it a little so it looks like the photo above.
Step 6. Palmer the mallard flank forward through the Ice Dub and tie off.
Step 7. Tie in a clump of white deer hair (or bleached elk hair) on top of the hook (sculpin style), trim the bottom side flat if you wish. Whip finish and add a little Zap a Gap to the underside of the deer hair head. Simple as that!
Here's a photo of the finished fly from a slightly forward angle.
Visit my website for more tutorials, guide trip info and gear.
Thanks for your support! -Z